regulations of the St. Nicholas Day competition 2019

regulamin konkursu mikołajkowego 2019

1. General provisions

The organizer of the competition called "Santa Claus Competition", hereinafter referred to as the "competition" and the founder of the prizes, is Borcas Kinga Smardz-Gawłowska based in Ostrów Wielkopolski (63-400), ul. Krotoszyńska 35 B-02/6, NIP: 622-244-46-57, hereinafter referred to as the "organizer". The competition runs from December 4, 2019 to December 11, 2019 at 12:00. Information about the competition, rules of participation and prizes will be published on December 4, 2019 on the website at The principle of the competition is that the participant must correctly complete the competition task. The regulations constitute the basis of the competition and define the rights and obligations of its participants.

2. Participation in the competition

Participation in the competition is free of charge.

Participants of the competition may be natural persons, adults, having full legal capacity and permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland, who meet the conditions specified in the regulations. Minors may take part in the competition only with the consent of their parents or legal guardians. The organizer's employees, their spouses, children, parents and siblings cannot participate in the competition. Entering the competition is tantamount to accepting the regulations in full by the participant. The participant undertakes to comply with the rules set out therein and confirms that he or she meets all the conditions that entitle him or her to participate in the competition. Participation in the competition and the rights and obligations related to it, including the right to demand the award of a prize, cannot be transferred to other persons.

3. Course and conditions of participation in the competition

To take part in the competition, the participant must perform the activities described under the post on the borcas brand profile:

A person entering the competition must do the following:

  1. Tag the person who deserved a gift in the form of a hygrometer and write why they deserved this gift.
  2. The tagged person must like the Borcas company profile on Facebook and the competition post.
  3. The person tagging must also like the post and the Borcas Facebook page.
  4. You can only tag 1 person.

Attention!!! The organizer reserves the right to invalidate the competition or disqualify a participant without giving a reason. The same provision will be binding in the event of evidence suggesting unethical and immoral behavior of competition participants.

4. Rules for selecting winners

The winners of the competition will be selected based on the decision of the jury composed of: Kinga Smardz - Gawłowska, Daria Matecka and Piotr Kaczmarek. The total prize pool in the competition is 5 pieces of beech hygrometer from the Amsterdam collection.

5. Prizes

The 5 most creative answers will be rewarded with beech hygrometers from the Amsterdam collection. The prize will be delivered to the winner via a courier company, and the competition organizer undertakes to cover the entire delivery costs. Pursuant to § 3. The winner does not acquire the right to the prize if they have not met any of the conditions specified in § 2, 3 and 4 of the regulations, including failure to provide data enabling the exercise of the right to the prize in the manner and within the time specified in § 3. In such a case the prize remains at the organizer's disposal. The Organizer is not responsible for any irregularities related to the delay or non-delivery of the prize notification resulting from the incorrect provision by the awarded competition participant of the address or other data to which the prize notification was sent. The organizer is not responsible for any incorrect information provided by the awarded competition participant with contact details, home address or other identification data, or for any changes to these data that are not reported to the organizer. In order to identify the winner, he or she must present a photo ID when collecting the prize.

6. Personal data protection

The personal data of competition participants will be processed for the purposes of conducting the competition, selecting the winner and awarding, issuing and collecting the prize. Personal data of competition participants will be used in accordance with the conditions specified in the Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926). The administrator of personal data is Borcas Kinga Gawłowska-Smardz. The processing of data referred to in section 1 of this paragraph also includes the publication of the name and surname of the participant - as the winner of the competition. The participant has the right to access and correct his or her personal data. Providing personal data is voluntary, but failure to do so will prevent participation in the competition.

7. Final provisions

In matters not regulated by the regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.

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