Wyróżnienie must have 2024 za zestaw Rise
Z dumą informujemy, że nasz zestaw mebli Rise, rosnący wraz z dzieckiem, został wyróżniony nagrodą must have 2024 organizowaną przez Łódź Design Festival. Wyróżnienie jest dla nas szczególnie ważne, ponieważ podkreśla innowacyjność i funkcjonalność naszych produktów. Ponadto, w 2022 roku także otrzymaliśmy nagrodę must have za nasz inny projekt - konsolę Hal, co potwierdza nasze regularne zaangażowanie w tworzenie mebli najwyższej jakości. Serdecznie dziękujemy za uznanie i zapraszamy do zapoznania się z naszymi nagrodzonymi produktami. Więcej informacji na stronie Label Magazine.

Dobry Wzór 2023 - zestaw rosnący z
dzieckiem Rise
Z radością informujemy, że nasze produkty – zestaw rosnący z dzieckiem Rise (biurko, krzesło) – zostały uhonorowane prestiżową nagrodą finalista Dobry Wzór 2023. To wyjątkowe wyróżnienie jest dowodem na innowacyjność i wysoką jakość naszych projektów. Zestaw Rise, zaprojektowany z myślą o funkcjonalności i estetyce, rośnie wraz z dzieckiem, dostosowując się do jego potrzeb na różnych etapach rozwoju. Serdecznie dziękujemy za uznanie i zapraszamy do zapoznania się z naszymi nagrodzonymi produktami. Więcej informacji o nagrodzie i naszych meblach można znaleźć na stronie Dobry Wzór.

must have 2022 dla konsoli hal
Otrzymaliśmy nagrodę "must have 2022" na Łódź Design Festival za naszą dębową konsolę HAL, zaprojektowaną przez Agatę Nowak. Konsola wyróżnia się minimalistycznym designem, funkcjonalnością i dbałością o detale, idealnie pasując do przedpokoju dzięki praktycznym półkom do przechowywania. To wyróżnienie potwierdza wysoką jakość i wyjątkowy styl naszych produktów, docenianych przez ekspertów z dziedziny designu. Więcej informacji - Label Magazine.

good pattern 2021 for hall console
We have another reason to be proud of receiving the unique Dobry Wzór 2021 award for the hall console. We are glad that our unique design has been appreciated.
The Institute of Industrial Design is the organizer of the oldest design competition in Poland. For almost 30 years, he has been appreciating unique projects, especially those that have recently appeared on the market and are a response to user expectations. It also rewards work that combines innovation and care for the environment. We must admit that borcas fits this trend perfectly. The jury consists of real aesthetes and design specialists.

top design award 2017 for the elg desk
The first success was for us the distinction in the international TOP DESIGN Award competition. The elg desk from the Oslo collection was awarded for modern design and exceptional product quality in the office category. We are extremely pleased that outstanding specialists in the field of design have noticed innovation in our product. Since 2017 Elg’s desk has been awarded the TOP DESIGN Award, which confirms its unique design and solid finish. See it for yourself!

must have 2017 for the skog desk
We are proud when not only our customers appreciate the uniqueness of products. The borcas brand was awarded the Must Have at the Łódź Design Festival (ŁDF) for the skog desk from the Oslo. collection. The distinction is of great importance to us, due to the scale of the festival, which was created in 2007 focusing on the review of achievements of Polish design. Today, the Must Have award can identify real gems among Polish utility implementations. See the skog desk, which has been awarded with such a special distinction.

top design award 2018 for the vogel desk
In 2018, during the international TOP DESIGN Award competition, thevogel deskfrom the Amsterdam. collection was awarded. Since then, we have been sure that the minimalist style goes hand in hand with full functionality, which was noticed by specialists in the field of design. The distinction of the desk with the TOP DESIGN Award is a great honor and joy for us. It motivates us to continue to develop the borcas brand. Do not wait and get to know the awarded desk!

top design award 2020 for the troost bedside cabinet
Another unique distinction for us took place in 2020 at the international TOP DESIGN Awards competition, in which our furniture had been awarded in earlier years.Now the time has comefor the troost bedside table, which stole the hearts of the jury. The festival promotes modern design, which is why we are allveryproud of this award. This is a great success for our company! See for yourself whatwere the reasons the troost bedside cabinet deservedfor such an award.

must have 2020 for the troost bedside cabinet
The troost cabinet not only received a distinction in the TOP DESIGN Awards competition, but was also recognized in 2020 for the 10th edition of the must have plebiscite as part of the Łódź Design Festival. We are glad that our design catches the eye not only of customers but also design lovers. The awarded piece of furniture was designed by Agata Nowak, whom we are extremely grateful for the work and commitment. See the troost bedside table in our offer.

must have 2020 for the ogen lamp
Another great award for us is the recognition of the ogen lamp also designed by Agata Nowak. In 2020,ogen lampwas recognized at the 10th edition of the must have plebiscite at the Łódź Design Festival. It is a sign for us that this proposal is a symbol of good design that goes hand in hand with functionality. Such an award is also an amazing recommendation for us. It gives us a lot of positive energy for further actions! Get to know the ogen lamp and discover its uniqueness.