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borcas brand blog

Inspirujące pomysły na salon w stylu skandynawskim

Inspirujące pomysły na salon w stylu skandynawskim

Styl skandynawski w aranżacji wnętrz to synonim prostoty, funkcjonalności oraz harmonii z naturą. Jego korzenie sięgają lat 50. XX wieku, kiedy to w krajach nordyckich zaczęto promować idee...

Jak urządzić miejsce do pracy w salonie

Jak urządzić miejsce do pracy w salonie

Urządzenie ergonomicznego i estetycznego biura w salonie stało się nie tylko trendem, ale wręcz koniecznością. Wydzielone miejsce do pracy w domowym zaciszu pozwala nie tylko na zwiększenie p...

Stoliki kawowe z funkcjonalnymi rozwiązaniami – poznaj minimalistyczne modele dostępne w naszej ofercie!

Coffee tables with functional solutions – discover the minimalist models available in our offer!

In the face of the growing popularity of minimalism, a key question arises: how to find the perfect balance between form and function, aesthetics and practicality, especially when it comes to such...

Czym czyścić drewniane meble - domowe sposoby

How to clean wooden furniture - home methods

Have you ever wondered what you should use to clean wooden furniture in your home? Do you know how to properly care for and maintain wood so that it retains its natural beauty for years? If so, thi...

Skandynawski minimalizm: jak osiągnąć wymarzony wystrój salonu dzięki szafce RTV

Scandinavian minimalism: how to achieve your dream living room design with a TV cabinet

Scandinavian minimalism is not only a trend in interior design; is a philosophy of life that emphasizes simplicity, functionality and closeness to nature. A Scandinavian-style living room is an oa...

Jakie biurko skandynawskie pasuje do małego pokoju?

Which Scandinavian desk suits a small room?

The Scandinavian style, characterized by minimalism, functionality and closeness to nature, has gained international recognition for its extraordinary ability to create spaces that are bot...

Więcej niż miejsce na książki: wielofunkcyjność regału Noe

More than just a place for books: the multifunctionality of the Noe shelf

The Noe shelf is not only a piece of furniture, but also a work of applied art that stands out from traditional solutions. Made of high-quality oak wood, it represents a combination of aesthetics ...

Biurko i krzesło, które rosną z Twoim dzieckiem: dlaczego warto wybrać zestaw Rise

A desk and chair that grows with your child: why choose the Rise set

Every parent wants what is best for their child - both in terms of comfort and development. In response to these needs, the Rise furniture set was created, which includes a desk and a chair design...

Jak dbać o drewniane meble?

How to care for wooden furniture?

Wooden furniture is very popular. They are timeless, durable and look great in virtually any room. Many people even believe that properly selected wooden furniture makes the interior immediately co...

Jak urządzić biuro w stylu skandynawskim?

How to arrange an office in Scandinavian style?

A properly furnished and arranged office is essential when working from home. It is worth taking care of your comfort and equipping the room intended for your office with all the necessary amenitie...

Zabawa, odpoczynek i nauka - Jak urządzić pokój dziecięcy

Fun, rest and learning - How to arrange a children's room

A children's room must, above all, be child-friendly and functional for the parent. There should be space for both learning and fun. In order for the furniture to serve your child longer, it must b...

Konsola hal - nagroda must have 2022

Hall console - must have award 2022

We have another reason to be proud and this time our oak hall console was awarded in the must have 2022 plebiscite during the 16th edition of the Łódź Design Festival!

Nowoczesne meble drewniane

Modern wooden furniture

There is probably no more timeless and solid material than wood. In order for it to retain its best properties, the ripening process, drying and further processing are extremely important. You also...